NATO countries Latvia and Romania report drone incidents


In the east of EU and NATO member Latvia, a suspected Russian drone flew over Belarus into Latvian airspace and crashed in the city of Rēzekne. The Ministry of Defense in Riga announced that the incident was being investigated. NATO was also informed.

The Latvian armed forces discovered the unmanned aerial vehicle when it entered the airspace, tracked its movement and then located the crash site. It was unclear how a Russian drone was able to fly unhindered through Belarus to Latvia. The investigation is ongoing, it was said.

Ukraine had previously reported numerous drone attacks by Russia and also reported that some aircraft had entered the airspace of the Republic of Belarus (formerly Belarus). Belarus had also recently repeatedly complained about airspace violations.

Latvia wants to continue strengthening its eastern border

“This situation is a confirmation that we need to continue the work we have begun to strengthen Latvia’s eastern border, including the development of air defense capabilities and electronic warfare capabilities to limit the activities of unmanned aerial vehicles of various applications,” Latvian Defense Minister Andris Spruds said, according to the statement.

The ministry also recalled that the country has been building up its defense capabilities in the wake of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, which has been going on for more than two and a half years. NATO allies also ensured patrols in the airspace on a rotation basis.

Romania reports drone overflight

A Russian drone also flew over Romanian territory on Sunday night before re-entering Ukrainian airspace, the Ministry of Defense in Bucharest announced. In the border towns of Constanta and Tulcea, the military sent warnings to the population in the form of text messages for mobile phones. Two Romanian F-16 fighter jets took off to observe the drone’s flight. The military began a search for possible drone debris in the uninhabited area of ​​the border town of Periprava.

NATO also spoke out. “NATO condemns the nighttime Russian airspace violation in Romanian airspace. While we have no information that indicates a deliberate attack by Russia on allies, these actions are irresponsible and potentially dangerous,” said NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana, who is himself Romanian.

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