Neisse, Elbe and Spree overflowed banks

Neisse, Elbe and Spree overflowed banks

Neisse, Elbe and Spree overflowed banks

In view of rising water levels, the rivers Lusatian Neisse, Elbe and Spree in Brandenburg have overflowed their banks. Flood alert level 1 is currently in effect at the Spree gauge in Spremberg, at Klein Bademeusel (Spree-Neiße district) and at Elbe-Stadt-Mühlberg (Elbe-Elster district), as stated on the state’s flood portal.

At the lowest alarm level (1 of a total of four levels), waters begin to overflow their banks. Animals and machines should be removed from flood areas and flood protection systems should be checked.

The regions are taking initial precautions and crisis teams are meeting. In Spremberg, for example, bicycle and pedestrian underpasses have been closed in some places, a spokeswoman said.

On or highest alarm level 4 possible

As a precaution, the construction site of the new A14 bridge in the town of Wittenberge on the Elbe has been secured. The situation on the Oder could become more critical. According to the State Office for the Environment, alarm level 3 is possible there from Friday and later even 4, for example on Sunday near Ratzdorf (Oder-Spree district).

At level 3, individual properties, streets or basements can be flooded. For example, a security service must be deployed on the dykes and protective material must be brought to danger areas. This is clear from the Ministry of the Environment’s description of the different categories.

The highest level, level 4, is about disaster prevention, which also includes preparing for evacuations. Larger areas can be flooded, even in built-up areas.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240917-930-235081/1

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