New President at the Berlin Research Institute WZB


The Berlin Social Science Center (WZB) has a new president. Economist Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln has officially been in office since September 1st, and the ceremonial handover of office is taking place today. Fuchs-Schündeln takes over the presidency from 67-year-old Jutta Allmendinger, who, according to a press release, has headed the WZB since 2007 and is leaving after three terms in office.

The renowned sociologist Allmendinger described Fuchs-Schündeln to the dpa as the “ideal choice”. “She represents change and continuity. Change because she is the first economist to lead a social science institution. Continuity because she focuses on interdisciplinarity, excellence, transfer and the development of the entire Berlin academic area.”

Fuchs-Schündeln is considered a nationally and internationally renowned scientist. Among other things, she is the winner of the Leibniz Prize of the German Research Foundation. The professor of macroeconomics and development at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main conducts research in particular on inequality, social mobility and growth and has dealt with the consequences of German reunification and the effects of the splitting of income between spouses on gainful employment.

Collaboration between different disciplines

According to the press release, Fuchs-Schündeln said that she found it particularly appealing that the WZB is a large social science institute that combines economics with sociology, political science and law. “The major problems of our time are complex – analysis and solutions require cooperation between different disciplines.”

Founded in 1969, the WZB investigates fundamental social issues such as development trends, adaptation problems and innovation opportunities in modern societies. It is a member of the Leibniz Association and is funded by the federal government and the state of Berlin.

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