NFL star McCaffrey seeks help in Germany

NFL star McCaffrey seeks help in Germany

NFL star McCaffrey seeks help in Germany

Injured NFL star Christian McCaffrey of the San Francisco 49ers is hoping for help in Germany. The highest-paid running back in the National Football League flew to Germany at the weekend to have his irritated Achilles tendon examined and treated by a specialist. “I’m not sure which doctor it is, I just know that he will see a specialist who can help him with the Achilles tendon problems. He’s doing that over the next few days and I hope it will help,” said 49ers coach Kyle Shanahan.

McCaffrey has been struggling with the problem since the start of preseason training and has not played a single minute this season. Without him, the 49ers have lost two of their three games so far this season. On Sunday, they lost 24:27 to the Los Angeles Rams.

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