No construction stop at Komische Oper

No construction stop at Komische Oper

No construction stop at Komische Oper

Berlin’s Senator for Culture, Joe Chialo, has announced that, despite the austerity measures in the capital, there will be no halt to construction at the Komische Oper. “The Komische Oper belongs on Behrenstraße and that’s where it will stay,” he said after the premiere of “Messiah” at Tempelhof Airport. “We will not take an axe to the heart of this city,” said the CDU politician, referring to Berlin’s cultural scene. Because: “We have the smallest budget in culture and the greatest external impact for the city.”

Recently, several Berlin media outlets have been reporting that, given the austerity measures imposed by the black-red coalition, projects such as the renovation and modernization of the Komische Oper could be at risk. The costs for this are expected to be in the region of 500 million euros. Due to the construction work, the Komische Oper ensemble is currently performing at the Schillertheater in Charlottenburg.

However, the Komische Oper will be showing the “Messiah”, the famous work by Georg Friedrich Handel (1685–1759), in further performances in September and October after the premiere on a 60 by 20 meter stage in the old Tempelhof airport. There is room for 1,800 spectators.

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