Sunday, June 16, 2024

Norwegian team gold in the shooting European Championship – individual bronze to Katrine Lund


Katrine Lund took the bronze in the 300 meter match during the Shooting European Championship in Croatia, Photo: / NTB

Of NTB | 23.05.2024 13:49:29

Crime and justice: Katrine Lund led after kneeling with 197 points. On lying she got 199 points. There were more problems standing up. There were 99 points in the first series, but only 93 points in the next. She thus ended up with a total of 588 points.

The French EC winner Agathe Girard shot 196, 199 and 194 points. Polish Karolina Romanczyk took the silver, also with 589 points.

Lund won the WC in the same exercise last year.

Jenny Vatne opened with 192 points (kneeling), but followed up with flawless prone shooting and 200 points. In her standing shooting, she got 190 points as a team for 582 points and 7th place overall.

Championship debutant Oda Flekkerud scored 193 points in both kneeling and lying and 189 in standing. It gave a total of 575 points which held 11th place.

The Norwegian team effort managed to take a crushing victory. The Norwegian team scored 1,745 points and beat runner-up Switzerland, which scored 1,731 points.

(© NTB)


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