Number of asylum applications in 2024 so far 21 percent lower than in the previous year


In This year, significantly fewer people have applied for asylum in Germany for the first time than in 2023. The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bamf) reported on Friday in Nuremberg a decline in such applications from January to August by 21.7 percent, from 204,461 to 160,140.

In addition, there were 14,229 follow-up applications. The number of follow-up applications also fell by 9.1 percent. According to the Federal Office, a good 14,000 follow-up applications were submitted between January and August.

According to the information, there was a strong increase in asylum decisions during the same period. The Federal Office has decided on 206,240 asylum applications this year46.7 percent of applicants were granted protection.

58,092 applications were rejected, in 51,910 cases the procedure was terminated – for example because the application was withdrawn or transfer to another EU country. On average, the procedures took 8.2 months.

Both Syria is the most popular country of origin for asylum seekers, with more than 50,000 applications this year. by far the leader. Afghanistan and Turkey follow with more than 20,000 initial applications. (KNA, AFP, epd)

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