Number of children in daycare in Berlin has fallen

Number of children in daycare in Berlin has fallen

Number of children in daycare in Berlin has fallen

In Berlin, the number of children cared for in daycare centers has fallen for the first time in years. As of March 1, 2024, 169,449 children in Berlin attended daycare centers, according to the Berlin-Brandenburg State Office for Statistics. A year earlier, the number was 171,686 children. In 2015, only 146,583 children were cared for in Berlin daycare centers.

One reason for this development could be the number of births in recent years. While 39,168 children were born alive in Berlin in 2021, the number fell to just 34,120 in 2023.

Most of the children in daycare centers in Berlin are cared for in facilities run by private providers. According to the Statistics Office, there were 2,563 such facilities and 298 facilities run by public providers on March 1, 2024.

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