Operation Sepadu found 385 cans of liquor


By Yusrin Junaidi

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, 15 SEPT- Several cartons of liquor containing 385 cans were confiscated during the Joint Operation of law enforcement agencies involving the Marine Police, PPDB, ABDB and JKED yesterday.

The discovery of the contraband was found in the waters of the Mangrove River near the residential parking area of ​​Kampung Sungai Bunga.

Initial monitoring from the Operations Team around dawn detected two boats carrying out suspicious activities in the waters and subsequently found two unmanned boats carrying what is believed to be a load of contraband.

The driver of the boat is believed to have fled after realizing the presence of the Operation Team. Both boats were taken to the Marine Police Headquarters for further investigation. All contraband including boats were then handed over to the Royal Customs and Excise Department (JKED) for further investigation.

Confiscated security items. – PICTURES – PPDB SUBMISSION PICTURES
Above & Below: Boats found and seized during the operation.

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