“Our twenty for Potsdam”: Municipal utilities launch fifth crowdfunding campaign


New toys for the daycare, tracksuits for the sports club or costumes for the theater group: The municipal utilities are once again launching their “Our Twenty for Potsdam” campaign, in which Potsdam projects can solicit donations and funding. Clubs, foundations, non-profit organizations and private individuals can submit their ideas from the areas of education, culture, social affairs and sports until November 6th. On the platform potsdam-crowd.de the projects can be created, provided with a description and a target amount.

The municipal utilities will review the applications and put 20 projects online on November 20th. They can then collect donations online on the platform for 20 days. In addition, a funding pot of 20,000 euros is available. For donations of at least ten euros, the municipal utilities will add 20 euros from this pot until the budget is used up. The first 20 projects that are created will also receive start-up funding of 200 euros.

The crowdfunding campaign is taking place for the fifth time. In 2023, a total of around 100,000 euros were collected for 20 projects. More than 1,300 donors participated.

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