People: Furtwängler: Not dogmatic about giving up meat


Maria Furtwängler (57) – “Tatort” star, medical graduate and, in her own words, activist – is largely vegetarian. “I don’t buy meat anymore. But if I’m invited and there’s nothing else, then I eat it,” the actress told “Spiegel”. “I’m not dogmatic here, as with many things.” Anyone who calls for people to give up meat quickly gets emotional reactions, “especially from men”. “It’s associated with the reflex: nobody can take that away from me!”

Climate change as a problem will not be solved by flying less or giving up meat, says Furtwängler. “We have to remove the issue from its party-political charge. Labeling it as green or left-wing is fatal. Preserving creation is a human issue and yet at its core it is extremely conservative.” She is doing well by not committing herself to party politics. “I need broad alliances for my concerns.”

Furtwängler, who, according to “Spiegel”, lives on a property with a large garden and animals just under an hour south of Munich, has made a documentary for ARD. It will be broadcast on ARD on September 30th at prime time (8.15 p.m.): “Experience Earth: The End of Insects?”.

“I think it’s a great way to use celebrity,” says Furtwängler, explaining her film about species conservation. “I want to try to infect people with my fascination for insects.”

And Furtwängler explains: “When bumblebees, bats or swallows disappear, a piece of our homeland is lost. And the climate and biodiversity crisis becomes a security problem when people flee the Global South because there are no pollinators, the soil is infertile or it has become so dry that they can no longer grow anything.”

When asked by “Spiegel” why she seemed so cool in the documentary, Furtwängler said: “That’s my nature. I don’t tend towards hysteria and scaremongering, but I try to find solutions. I have a deep reverence for creation, that’s what I’m all about. Any child can crush a beetle, but 50 Nobel Prize winners can’t make a beetle.”

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