Peter Fox attracts more than 12,000 fans to free concert in Berlin

Peter Fox attracts more than 12,000 fans to free concert in Berlin

Peter Fox attracts more than 12,000 fans to free concert in Berlin

The Berlin musician Peter Fox (“Haus am See”) attracted so many fans to Görlitzer Park with another free spontaneous concert that there was a Inlet stop “People, unfortunately it’s full, don’t make your way to Xberg anymore,” wrote the musician in his Instagram story. One photo shows how thousands of Fans crowded together in the park in front of the stage stand.

As the police situation center told the Tagesspiegel, the “Gorli” with 12,000 seats completely filled. Afterwards it was closed. Numerous additional fans who had made their way to Kreuzberg in the evening had to find a place in front of the gates of the park. At the “block party” in the evening, in addition to Fox, the Rapper Wa22ermannthe Rapper 44Grad and the Singer Kane appear.

At the beginning of September, Seeed singer Fox with other Berlin musicians have already attracted several thousand fans to a “Pool Party” in the Columbiabad. Both the Neukölln outdoor pool and the Görlitzer Park in Kreuzberg are in the public eye as places with a lot of crime. “We wanted to do something in a place that has had a lot of negative press recently. Let’s have fun here today,” said Peter Fox at the Columbiabad.

The Berlin Senate wants to build a fence around Görlitzer Parkto curb drug-related crime and conflicts in the green area. Initiatives want to prevent a fence and the nightly closure of the parkThe district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg is also using legal means to oppose the planned fencing. (Tsp, dpa)

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