Police arrest suspect after hit-and-run


Berlin police have arrested a man who fled the scene of a traffic accident. A motorcyclist was injured this morning, police reported.

According to previous investigations, the 26-year-old suspect was driving a car in Friedrichshain and illegally turned left into Marchlewskistrasse. He collided with a 48-year-old motorcyclist who was coming towards him. The motorcyclist was thrown onto the road. The driver left the scene of the accident without caring.

Police discovered the accident vehicle shortly afterwards

The car was later discovered with accident damage not far from the accident scene and was confiscated by the police. Investigations at the owner’s address in Buckow revealed that her son was using the car at the time of the accident.

Police confiscated the vehicle key. They discovered that the suspect had already been caught several times by the police for driving without a license and violating the drug law. The 26-year-old was taken into police custody for a blood sample to be taken and was subsequently released.

The motorcyclist had to be taken to hospital with leg and torso injuries. During further investigations, emergency services discovered a small amount of narcotics on him. He was then also given a blood sample in the clinic.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240911-930-229992/1

This is a message directly from the dpa news channel.

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