Police in Wittenberg identify suspected perpetrator

Police in Wittenberg identify suspected perpetrator

Police in Wittenberg identify suspected perpetrator

After the Luther monument on the market square in Wittenberg in Saxony-Anhalt was damaged, the police have found the suspected perpetrator. He is a 28-year-old man of Syrian origin who lives in Wittenberg, police in Dessau announced on Tuesday. He admitted the crime during questioning.

The man climbed onto the monument in March of this year and hit the Luther statue with an object. The statue, which stands on a pedestal and is covered by a canopy, was damaged on the back. When a witness arrived, the man fled on a bicycle.

After extensive investigations, the suspected perpetrator was finally questioned in August. He was recognized in a photo, police said. The bicycle he was carrying at the time was also identified as belonging to the suspect. (AFP)

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