Police use photos to search for suspects


At the beginning of April, a man and a woman are said to have stolen clothing from a shop in Stern Center in the Potsdam district of Drewitz. The criminal police are now searching for the suspects using images from a surveillance camera.

According to the information, the woman packed goods in a bag she had brought with her on the afternoon of April 4th. The duo then left the store. The damage amounts to around 500 euros. The identities of the two people are still unclear. The images from the surveillance camera were released for publication by court order.

According to the police, the man they are looking for is around 50 to 60 years old and 1.60 meters tall. He is slim, has a light complexion and short hair. He was wearing a black cap with a motif of the US flag.

This man is said to have been involved in the theft.

© PD West/PDWest Wagner-Leppin, Stefanie

The woman, around 50 years old, is around 1.70 meters tall and slim. She had blonde hair that peeked out from under a light gray beanie hat. She wore striking glasses and a distinctive long parka.

The woman is said to have stuffed clothes into a bag.

© PDWest/PDWest Wagner-Leppin, Stefanie

Information about the wanted persons can be given to the Potsdam Police Department – ​​please quote the wanted number 68-24 – by calling 0331/5508-0 or any other police station. Online notification form can be used.

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