Portage County Sheriff: Darcy cartoon

Portage County Sheriff: Darcy cartoon

CLEVELAND, Ohio — Postage County Sheriff Bruce Zuchowski wrote an especially frightening Friday the 13 Facebook post targeting Democratic Presidential Nominee Kamala Harris, her Portage County supporters and immigrants, that reeked of racism, xenophobia and voter intimidation.

Sheriff Zuchowski smeared Vice President Harris as a “Flip-flopping laughing Hyena,” migrants as “Locust” and called for writing down the addresses of County residents with Harris yard signs for his future use.

Portage County Sheriff: Darcy cartoon

The Sep. 13th facebook post of current Portage County Sheriff.Jeff Darcy/Cleveland.com

Zuchowski is currently up for reelection as Portage County Sheriff in November but could also be a candidate for Sheriff of Mar-a-Lago or Moscow, Russia.

The Sheriff responded to resident’s revulsion to his remarks with the following:

Recently, I placed a post on my personal facebook page that may have been a little misinterpreted?? I…as the elected sheriff, do have a first amendment right as do all citizens. If the citizens of Portage County want to elect an individual who has supported open borders ( which I’ve personally visited Twice!) and neglected to enforce the laws of our Country…then that is their prerogative.”

Governor Mike DeWine in Cleveland for the opening of the new Cannon Medical Academy, thought the Sheriff would do better to stick to his job, which isn’t harassment of Harris and her voters.

The Sheriff’s comments were very unfortunate…not helpful. Think if the Sheriff was focused in on law enforcement that probably would be a better thing,”

Governor DeWine also told WKYC Channel 3 he has no power to remove Zuchowski despite calls for him to do so.

Zuchowski is the first Republican to become Portage County Sheriff in nearly a decade. He had defeated his Democratic opponent by just 12 points.

Gov. DeWine doesn’t have the power to remove Zuchowski, but Portage County voters will in November and they should.

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