Postal Service ‘next generation’ trucks hitting streets for USPS mail delivery


ATHENS, Georgia – The U.S. Postal Service newly designed fleet of trucks are now being used to deliver the mail.

The “Next Generation Delivery Vehicles” are larger with a vast windshield and bumpers and a hood resembling a duck bill.

The more popular USPS vehicle, the Grumman Long Life Vehicle, dates back to 1987 and had a projected 25-year lifespan. Those trucks were expensive to maintain, noisy and fuel-inefficient (9 mpg) with an old-school electric fan to circulate air.

These modernized vehicles first rolled out in Athens, Georgia, in August and are designed to improve efficiency and comfort, featuring enhanced safety measures, air conditioning and greater storage space for packages.

The trucks are being built by Oshkosh Defense in South Carolina.

The redesign comes as part of the Postal Service’s efforts to modernize its fleet, focusing on eco-friendly options and improved mail carrier experiences.

Richard Burton, a USPS driver, told the Associated Press he appreciates the larger payload area, which can accommodate bigger packages, and the fact that he doesn’t have to crouch, helping him avoid back pain. The old trucks also had a habit of breaking down in traffic, he added.

Brian Renfroe, president of the National Letter Carriers Association, said union members are enthusiastic about the new vehicles, just as they were when the Grumman marked a leap forward from the previous old-school Jeeps.

“We’re excited now to be at the point where they’re starting to hit the streets,” Renfroe said.

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