Pregnant woman killed by wild elephant in Indonesia


JAKARTA, SEPT 10 – A pregnant woman died after being attacked by a group of wild elephants on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia, reported the German News Agency (dpa).

The woman, identified as Karsini, was trying to protect her family’s rubber plantation from a herd of elephants in the Muara Lakitan district of southern Sumatra on Sunday, local Police Chief Muhammad Karim said.

“The victim tried to scare the group of elephants by hitting two barrels to produce a loud sound, but instead the elephants attacked him and caused his death,” said Karim.

The incident occurred in an area known for its population of wild elephants, which often roam in groups of up to 100.

“Cases of death are rare. This is the worst case we have ever witnessed,” said Karim, while advising residents to avoid clashes with elephants if faced with them.

Following the incident, a team from the Natural Resources Conservation Agency was sent to the location to conduct an investigation. – Named

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