Prepare for the worst

Prepare for the worst

Prepare for the worst

Brandenburg’s Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (SPD) believes the state is basically prepared for the impending flooding. “We hope for the best, but are preparing for the worst,” said Woidke on the live broadcast “rbb24 – Your Choice: The Candidate Check” on RBB television with the parties’ top candidates for the state election. “It’s a good foundation, billions have been invested in flood protection in Brandenburg since 1997.” A new state parliament will be elected in Brandenburg on Sunday.

In Ratzdorf, where the Oder reaches Germany, there is now a dike, unlike the flood in 1997, said Woidke. There are provisions for sheet pile walls. In 1997, Ratzdorf experienced a flood disaster with severe damage. “We have made good progress in building the dike, but we still have a few construction sites,” said Woidke, citing Mühlberg on the Elbe.

AfD parliamentary group leader and top candidate Hans-Christoph Berndt said in response to the moderator’s question about climate change: “Let’s forget about climate change for now.” In the past centuries, water levels have been much higher. The dikes need to be fixed. Beavers that could damage dikes need to be “mercilessly driven away.”

Green Party leader and top candidate Benjamin Raschke called for more nature conservation for more flood protection. But more speed is also needed in climate protection. “We need real investment in personnel and in construction measures for higher dikes.”

CDU state and parliamentary group leader Jan Redmann demanded that nutrias and muskrats should be easier to hunt with regard to dikes. “In the end, we have a process that is far too complex to be able to hunt them.” This would contribute to stability. He called for a general military service obligation, for example for disaster protection.

BSW state head and top candidate Robert Crumbach expressed confidence that Brandenburg is “quite well positioned” for flooding.

The Left’s top candidate and parliamentary group leader Sebastian Walter advocated for natural hazard insurance so that no one in flood-affected regions would have to fear losing their home.

The regional leader of BVB/Free Voters, Péter Vida, called for the dykes to be strengthened. Rain retention devices are also necessary. He also sees beavers and nutrias as a problem.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240917-930-235436/1

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