Protest against Tesla factory: Police operation at Tesla camp

Protest against Tesla factory: Police operation at Tesla camp

Protest against Tesla factory: Police operation at Tesla camp

The police have been on duty at the protest camp near the Tesla factory in Grünheide since the early hours of the morning. “As part of Deutsche Bahn’s construction work, the Brandenburg police were asked to provide security support,” said a police spokesman. Police officers secured the construction site area on site to ensure that the work did not pose a danger to bystanders and that the work could take place unhindered.

Police: Assembly not affected and can continue

However, the gatherings taking place in an adjacent area could continue, the spokesman stressed. He did not initially provide any further details about the construction work. “As long as everything remains peaceful, we have no reason to clear,” added a police spokeswoman. Since February, Tesla opponents have been protesting in a forest against the planned expansion of the electric car factory in Grünheide near Berlin.

Construction road to be built

According to the Brandenburg Ministry of Transport, Deutsche Bahn’s measure involves the construction of a nearly three-kilometer-long construction road between the L23 state road and the motorway. It is intended to prepare for extensive construction work for the construction of infrastructure facilities to improve transport access to the Freienbrink industrial site. This includes the construction of the new Fangschleuse transport station.

The Tesla opponents said that a large police force and a helicopter appeared at two in the morning. “They started fencing off the assembly area, setting up floodlights and construction machinery, and clearing the first trees,” said a spokeswoman for the “Stop Tesla” initiative.

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