Raids against human trafficking in the southwest

Raids against human trafficking in the southwest

Raids against human trafficking in the southwest

In a raid against human trafficking, the police searched apartments in Mannheim and near Karlsruhe and Worms. Four arrest warrants have already been executed, a spokesman for the Federal Police told the German Press Agency. A total of 24 apartments were searched.

Investigations are underway against a seven-member gang of people smugglers, including both men and women. According to the spokesman, they are said to have brought people from the Middle East and Caucasus countries to Germany and – at least in some cases – allowed them to work here without a residence permit.

Investigations began in January

The police say they have been investigating since January. A man was checked at the airport in Frankfurt am Main when leaving the country – this provided the first clues to the smuggling group, said the Federal Police spokesman. Further customs checks are said to have provided additional clues.

An investigation is therefore being carried out on suspicion of the commercial smuggling of foreigners, the employment of foreigners without residence permits and document crimes. The Karlsruhe main customs office is involved in the investigations, as it is also assumed that social security contributions have been embezzled. This also poses a violation of the law on illegal workers.

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