Right-wing government in the Netherlands wants to declare “national asylum crisis”


The right-wing Dutch government wants to drastically tighten the asylum policy in the coming months. It announced on Friday that it would introduce a Declare a “national asylum crisis”, which would enable it to take measures to limit migration without the consent of Parliament.

“We can no longer tolerate the large influx of migrants into our country,” said Prime Minister Dick Schoof on Friday before journalists in The Hague.

He spoke of a “Asylum crisisHis government will therefore soon issue a “Emergency measure“Make policies in the area of ​​migration and asylum stricter,” said Schoof.

“We will focus on the quick exit of those who cannot stay and on a accelerated procedure for asylum applications that no prospect of success “added the Dutch Prime Minister.

The Four-party coalition to the Party for Freedom (PVV) of the Right-wing populist Geert Wilders also wants to tighten the rules for family reunification of asylum seekers and submit an application to the EU Commission “as soon as possible”, to benefit from the European asylum policy differ However, according to experts and Wilders himself, this could take years.

As further projects Schoof mentioned the expansion of oil and gas drilling in the North Sea and the construction of two new nuclear reactors as government goals.

Migration Minister Marjolein Faber, who belongs to the anti-Islam PVV party of nationalist Geert Wilders, said it acts on the basis of the possibilities afforded to it by the country’s migration laws.

Making the Netherlands unattractive for asylum seekers

“We are taking measures to make the Netherlands as unattractive as possible for asylum seekers,” Faber said in a statement on Friday. The opposition parties, however, questioned whether this step was necessary and legal.

The government in office since July had announced that “the strictest asylum rulesever adopted”. Wilders’ PVV had won the early parliamentary elections in the Netherlands in November.

Wilders actually wanted to become head of government himself, his anti-Islam and anti-European attitudes made it difficult to form a coalition.

In mid-March, he finally announced that he would be resigning from the office of Prime Minister. His PVV then agreed to form a coalition with the farmers’ party BBB, the liberal VVD and the new anti-corruption party NSC. (AFP/Reuters)

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