Samsung wants to make AI ubiquitous and takes aim at Apple


The South Korean electronics giant Samsung wants to expand its entire product range with features Artificial Intelligence (AI) “Samsung is committed to making AI more accessible so that more people can benefit from its advantages,” said Benjamin Braun, Chief Marketing Officer of Samsung Europe to kick off the Technology fair IFA in Berlin.

As a tribute to the 100-year history of the IFA, Samsung used the example of the historic IFA opening speech by Albert Einstein what AI can do in consumer electronics.

All that exists of the German Nobel Prize winner’s speech from 1930 is a noisy film recording in which Einstein’s speech is barely understandable.

Braun showed how to use AI to create a high-resolution video with excellent sound quality can make, where the speech simultaneously translated into another language Braun said Samsung’s goal is to make the latest AI innovation available on as many devices as possible.

Sideswipe at competitor Apple

During his IFA appearance, the Samsung manager also invited Sideswipe at Apple without mentioning the rival from California by name.

“While some of our competitors only offer AI on their premium products in a few selected countries, this year we want to 200 million AI-enabled devices into the hands of consumers, including not only our latest, but also a wide range of devices from last year and before.”

Apple, on the other hand, is bringing its AI system only on the iPhone top model of the past year and the latest iPhone generation, the expected to be presented next Monday It is also not clear whether and when “Apple Intelligence” will be available in Europe.

AI should make everyday life easier

At the IFA, Samsung emphasized that it is crucial that AI functions adapt to the lifestyle habits of users while supporting the needs of the environment. There is still a lot of catching up to do here. Braun referred to a study that found that only 15 percent of users have an understanding of how they can use AI in everyday life.

At the same time, two thirds of consumers were looking for ways to to make more time for yourself in everyday life. A smart refrigerator could help with this, for example, by recording the food available and creating a recipe suggestion from it. (dpa)

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