Scholz believes nothing has failed in migration talks


Chancellor Olaf Scholz has fundamentally reaffirmed the openness to talks with the opposition on the subject of migration. “I said in the German Bundestag: The door is not slammed, but open,” said the SPD politician in Berlin. Scholz then added a quote from former SPD parliamentary group leader Herbert Wehner, who said: “Whoever goes out must also come back in.”

Union parliamentary group leader Friedrich Merz had declared the talks with representatives of the traffic light coalition and the states on the topic of migration to have failed on Tuesday after a second round. declared. FDP chairman Christian Lindner then called for a new attempt at the highest level: CDU leader Merz should negotiate with Scholz, Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) and himself personally.

Merz was open to this. Scholz was asked about Lindner’s proposal, but did not go into detail in his answer.

Scholz stressed that he was very pleased about Merz’s original offer of cooperation. “We had two meetings. Unfortunately, the opposition withdrew again.” The Federal Government wants to present its plans for the so-called security package, the common European asylum system and to accelerate the transfer of asylum seekers to other European countries. (dpa)

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