Scholz open to Intel billions as budget gap filler

Scholz open to Intel billions as budget gap filler

Scholz open to Intel billions as budget gap filler

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has not ruled out temporarily using part of the billions in state aid for Intel to close budget gaps. At the same time, the federal government wants to advance semiconductor development in Germany and ensure “that we manage well with our finances,” said Scholz in Astana, Kazakhstan, in an initial reaction to the postponement of the construction of the Intel semiconductor factory in Magdeburg.

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That is why it is now the subject of “very constructive discussions” on how to deal with it. “I also assume that we will simply use our options in all directions. There is not just black and white,” said Scholz, speaking out against hasty decisions. “Now there is no reason to say from one day to the next how we will deal with each of these individually.”

The decision to postpone includes the commitment to stick with the project, Scholz stressed.

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It remains right “that we insist that semiconductor production takes place in Europe and especially in Germany for the sake of our sovereignty and our technological leadership.” “The expansion will continue,” said Scholz.

Intel had postponed the start of construction of its 30 billion euro chip factory in Magdeburg by an estimated two years. Last year, the German government had promised state aid of 9.9 billion euros for the settlement.

Finance Minister Christian Lindner had previously called for “all funds not needed for Intel” to be used to close gaps in the federal budget. The budget makers in the Bundestag are examining where the federal government’s draft budget needs to be changed – and how the gap of 12 billion euros can be reduced.

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