Scholz sees time for “clear words”

Scholz sees time for “clear words”

Scholz sees time for “clear words”

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has a Delivery of Taurus cruise missiles to Ukraine rejected again“I will not, despite many people urging me to do so, deliver cruise missiles that can reach Moscow,” the SPD politician told around 200 guests at a public meeting in Niedergörsdorf in Brandenburg. “I can and will assure here: I will stick to this attitude.

Scholz also stressed the need to examine options for peace in Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. “Now is the time to explore what options are available.”

The Chancellor criticized the stance of the Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) and AfD coalition. He disagreed with them when they said that peace negotiations were the alternative to supporting Ukraine. “That is naive.”

Scholz warns of shift to the right in Brandenburg

Two days before the Brandenburg state election During the Citizens’ Dialogue, Scholz also called on voters to not to vote for the AfDIt would be “a necessary, correct signal from the citizens if they made it clear through their vote that the AfD is not the strongest party in this Brandenburg state parliament,” he said.

The SPD Chancellor but was confident: “I believe that on the next election Sunday in Brandenburg, most people will have voted for the SPD.”

Brandenburg’s Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (SPD) wants to prevent the AfD from becoming the strongest force with an SPD election victory. Woidke had announced that he would resign from office if the SPD did not win the election. In view of the low poll ratings for the SPD in the federal government, Woidke largely avoided campaign appearances with Scholz.

Time for clearer words in the traffic lights

In the traffic light coalition, Olaf Scholz wants appear clearer in the future. “It is not easy to have a coalition. And it will not get any easier,” he said at the citizens’ dialogue in Niedergörsdorf. “But the time will come – and it has come – when we can find clear words,” he added in response to questions about the appearance of the alliance of the SPD, Greens and FDP.

Within the SPD became Chancellor repeatedly criticizedthat he did not have sufficient profile as a social democratic head of government. Scholz had already shown himself to be more combative after the state elections in Saxony and Thuringia.

The Chancellor showed convinced that the traffic light government will last until the regular end of the legislative period in September 2025 “I think so,” he said in response to a question.

Debt brake will be reformed next legislative period

The Debt brake anchored in the Basic Law According to Scholz, this should be reformed in the next legislative period. “I am also very confident that we will find a majority in the next legislative periodto modernize and adapt it,” said the SPD Chancellor. Scholz reminded everyone that the necessary changes to the constitution would require a two-thirds majority in both the Bundestag and the Bundesrat. “The CDU will also have to agree as the opposition in the future,” he joked, referring to the federal election.

One element of the change, Scholz said, is that we have to ask ourselves how wise it is to continue to reduce loans even when the debt level is relatively low. Germany is already one of the largest western industrialised countries with the lowest debt.

He also pointed out that the Bundesbank and the Council of Economic Experts were also calling for certain reforms. However, the SPD politician also stressed that he Rules for taking on debt correctly So far, the FDP and CDU leader Friedrich Merz a change to the debt brake. The SPD and the Greens are calling for it, as are several CDU state premiers. They argue that more investment is needed. (dpa/Reuters)

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