Scholz wants to speak more plainly in the coalition

Scholz wants to speak more plainly in the coalition

Scholz wants to speak more plainly in the coalition

Chancellor Olaf Scholz has announced more leadership in his traffic light coalition. “It is not easy to have a coalition – and it will not get any easier,” said the SPD politician in front of around 200 guests at a public meeting in Niedergörsdorf in Brandenburg. “But the time will come – and it has come – when we can find clear words.”

A citizen had told him during the question and answer session that he thought Scholz was the right chancellor, but wanted a stronger one – from an external perspective. Scholz should not “let himself be fooled by the Punch and Judy show”. The chancellor replied: “That’s why I promise you what you want.”

Scholz believes SPD victory in next election is possible

The Chancellor himself says he believes that the traffic light coalition will last until the federal election next year. “Will the government last until the end of the legislative period? I think so – yes.”

At the same time, Scholz was optimistic that his party could become the strongest force, as it did in the 2021 election. The basic assumption that the SPD will become the strongest party in the next federal election is also his assumption. “That is what I am committed to,” he said. “I am not as afraid as others.”

In polls, the SPD is currently at around 15 percent at the federal level. Scholz is currently under pressure because his traffic light government is partly divided and Brandenburg is facing a state election in which, according to polls, it is unclear whether the SPD will be able to assert itself as the strongest force or whether the AfD will come in first place for the first time.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240920-930-238730/1

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