Selenskyj complains about lack of weapons and talks about victory plan


According to President Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine does not have enough weapons to fully equip its troops. “We need to equip 14 brigades, but we can only equip four brigades with the weapons delivered so far,” Zelensky said in an interview with a US journalist, parts of which were published on the Telegram platform and in Ukrainian media. He attributed this shortage to slow deliveries.

Especially during the period when US arms deliveries were blocked for months in Congress in Washington at the beginning of the year, Ukraine used up all its reserves. “We gave everything we had in reserve, both in depots and in reserve units,” explained Zelensky. “We gave out all the weapons they still had.” But now these reserve units need to be upgraded, stressed the Ukrainian president.

Zelenskyj has recently pointed out several times that promised arms aid from allies is often delivered with great delays. This makes warfare more difficult, especially in the defense of heavily contested regions in eastern Ukraine.

Selenskyj wants to present victory plan in Washington

In a conversation with the well-known US journalist Fareed Zakaria, Zelensky announced that he would soon present a victory plan in Washington. “I have prepared several points, four of which are fundamental,” said Zelensky. It is about security, Ukraine’s geopolitical position and military support, Zelensky outlined his plan without going into detail. It is also about economic support for Ukraine.

The implementation of these points, stressed Zelensky, depends exclusively on US President Joe Biden, and not at all on Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin. An exact date for Zelensky’s visit to Washington has not been set, but is expected around the time of the UN General Assembly at the end of September.

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