Selenskyj meets Biden, Harris and Trump during US visit

Selenskyj meets Biden, Harris and Trump during US visit

Selenskyj meets Biden, Harris and Trump during US visit

US President Joe Biden will receive Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the White House in Washington next week. The meeting is planned for Thursday, the US government announced. Zelensky will also meet separately with US Vice President Kamala Harris, who is running as the Democratic candidate in the November election and wants to replace Biden in the White House. Zelensky had already promised a meeting with Biden in Washington a few days ago and announced that he wanted to present the US President with a “plan for victory” in the war against Russia.

The office of the Ukrainian president has now officially announced the trip to the USA. According to the statement, Zelenskyy first wants to speak at the UN General Assembly in New York and hold talks there on the sidelines. In addition to the meeting with Biden and Harris in Washington, meetings with members of the US Congress are also planned – as well as with the former US president and Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, who is running against Harris in the November election. There were initially no details about the planned meeting with Trump. Zelenskyy also wants to meet with representatives of American defense and energy companies, it said.

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