Senate wants to take tougher action against organized crime


The Berlin Senate wants to combat organized crime even more effectively in the future. At its meeting on Tuesday (from 10 a.m.) it will discuss corresponding proposals from the justice administration. According to Justice Senator Felor Badenberg (CDU), the fight against organized crime is a focus of her work. Badenberg is also supporting a Federal Council initiative to better protect witnesses, which she wants to present to the Senate members.

Berlin is considered a hotspot for international criminal networks that are active in drug or arms trafficking, for example. At its most recent meeting in April, the Berlin CDU faction called for more decisive action to be taken against organized crime and clan crime. Badenberg said of a successful raid on drug dealers in the same month: “Clan criminals cannot feel safe in this city.”

The number of recorded cases of clan crime has increased significantly. According to the Interior Ministry’s clan crime situation report, investigators in Berlin counted 1,063 such crimes last year – almost 200 cases more than the year before. The term clan crime is controversial because, according to critics, it stigmatizes and discriminates against people with a migration background based solely on their family affiliation and origin.

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