Seniors show collection at Vienna Fashion Week


Women aged 60 to over 80 opened this year’s Vienna Fashion Week with their bold and self-confident fashion creations. Under the title “Fashion Reloaded”, a group of ten amateur designers presented their designs in Vienna. What was special about the collection was that the women used fabrics from their own wardrobes or from the collections of other senior women.

The catwalk featured pieces that ranged from everyday to extravagant. A black and white striped sweater with a green heart muscle on the chest symbolized the sustainable nature of the fashion project, which was created as part of the Vienna Pensioners’ Clubs. In these facilities, the City of Vienna offers social meeting places and activities at 150 locations.

There was no trace of elderly “senior fashion” on the catwalk. Shoulderless dresses and semi-transparent fabrics were presented, as well as a denim dress with a corset or a black leather skirt combined with a tuxedo jacket.

The evening gowns ranged from elegant but comfortable pieces to the highlight of the evening: a dress in fiery orange-red tones with a purple veil – created as if for the wedding of a woman who has already experienced a lot and no longer has to worry about conventions.

The current fashion for older customers in the shops is too boring, said one of the designers, Brigitte Hrdlicka, to the German Press Agency. “It can be a bit livelier. I can only encourage all women to be a bit more self-confident,” said the 63-year-old.

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