Söder continues to rule out black-green coalition for CSU

Söder continues to rule out black-green coalition for CSU

Söder continues to rule out black-green coalition for CSU

Even one day after withdrawing from the search for a candidate for chancellor for the Union, CSU leader Markus Söder is insisting on his clear rejection of coalitions with the Greens. “Black-Green in Germany is an absolute no-go for us”Söder said on Wednesday in his keynote speech at the CSU parliamentary group’s retreat in Banz Monastery, according to participants. The group reportedly responded with great applause.

For many months, Söder has been pursuing a vehemently negative course against the Greens and is also demanding that the Union clearly reject possible alliances. In his view, the Greens in the current federal government are the main reason for Germany’s poor economic situation. Whether Söder can ultimately maintain his categorical rejection is questionable, however, and depends in particular on the distribution of seats after the election in about a year.

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The designated Union Chancellor candidate Friedrich Merz (CDU) is reportedly much more relaxed about cooperation with the Greens. Although he said in Berlin on Tuesday that “from today’s perspective” a coalition was not possible, he also stressed: “If things develop differently in the next twelve months, we can see.” It is up to the Greens to change, Merz stressed.

With regard to the Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) alliance, Söder reportedly said that he was extremely worried about a possible collaboration at the state level. For Germany, this was “unimaginable”. (dpa)

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