Solidarity concert with Igor Levit in the Elbphilharmonie


Numerous celebrities want to protest against the increasing anti-Semitism in Germany with a solidarity concert on Monday evening (8 p.m.) in Hamburg’s Elbphilharmonie. The concert was initiated by the pianist Igor Levit. Alongside him, the musicians Malakoff Kowalski, Alan Gilbert, the Antilopen Gang, Efrat Alony, Dirk von Lowtzow, Olli Schulz, Wolf Biermann and Thees Uhlmann will perform. Also confirmed are the presenters Michel Friedman and Giovanni di Lorenzo, TV chef Tim Mälzer and the authors Düzen Tekkal and Ronya Othmann. The concert will be broadcast live in the Elbphilharmonie Media Library and will be available on demand afterwards.

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