SPD needs BSW to govern

SPD needs BSW to govern

SPD needs BSW to govern

After the state elections in Brandenburg, the SPD needs the Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) alliance to form a government. According to the preliminary official results, the SPD and CDU together do not have a majority in the new state parliament. The SPD could govern alone with the BSW or bring in the previous coalition partner CDU for a three-way alliance.

The SPD became the strongest party with 32 seats (2019: 25 seats). The AfD received 30 seats (23). The BSW, which ran for the first time, received 14 seats. The CDU received 12 seats (15). The state parliament has a total of 88 seats. There are no overhang seats.

According to the preliminary official result, the SPD received 30.9 percent. The AfD was just behind with 29.2 percent. The third strongest party was the BSW with 13.5 percent. The CDU achieved 12.1 percent. The Greens, previously represented in the coalition, failed to enter the state parliament with 4.1 percent, as did the Left with 3.0 percent and the BVB/Free Voters with 2.6 percent – these parties also did not win a single direct mandate that would have helped them enter the state parliament. The FDP, which is part of the federal government, came in a long way behind with 0.8 percent.

At 72.9 percent (2019: 61.3 percent), voter turnout was higher than ever before in state elections in Brandenburg. AfD candidates won in 25 constituencies, and SPD candidates won in 19 constituencies.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240922-930-240284/1

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