SPD wins state election in Brandenburg

SPD wins state election in Brandenburg

SPD wins state election in Brandenburg

For the eighth time in a row since 1990, the SPD has won the state elections in Brandenburg. According to the state election commission, Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke’s party achieved 30.9 percent, doing even better than in 2019. The AfD, which had long been ahead in polls, received 29.2 percent after all votes were counted. The Sahra Wagenknecht alliance, which was running for the first time, came in third with 13.5 percent, while the CDU achieved only 12.1 percent, the worst result to date in Brandenburg state elections. The Greens, the Left, the FDP and the Free Voters failed to clear the five percent hurdle and did not win a single direct mandate that would have helped them enter the state parliament. Voter turnout was 72.9 percent, the highest ever in state elections in Brandenburg.

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