Sports metropolis Berlin prepared for new season

Sports metropolis Berlin prepared for new season

Sports metropolis Berlin prepared for new season

The sports metropolis of Berlin is set to spread sporting splendor in the capital again in the new season. After hosting five matches of the European Football Championship plus the final, the European Handball Championship, the Final Four in the Euroleague basketball championship and Formula E, the new sporting season begins with the 50th Berlin Marathon.

“The UEFA EURO 2024 with the final in Berlin as well as the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris have impressively demonstrated this year that European metropolises are ideally suited for major sporting events,” said Governing Mayor Kai Wegner (CDU) at the season opener of the “Initiative Sportmetropole Berlin” in Berlin’s Olympic Stadium.

“Berlin is a sports metropolis in which young and old people, amateurs and professionals, amateur and elite athletes pursue their passion. And they do so every day.” The initiative, founded in 2009, is an association of the most important decision-makers in sports and business.

Sport “a decisive economic factor” for Berlin

Stefan Franzke, Managing Director of Berlin Partner, described sport and its major events as a “decisive economic driver for Berlin”, which also “sets a strong signal every year for solidarity, peace, equality, fairness and inclusion”.

In view of the renewed hosting of major sporting events, the evening’s guests from sports, politics, business and culture also discussed a possible bid for the Olympic and Paralympic Games with Berlin as one of the host cities. Iris Spranger, Senator for the Interior and Sport, once again advocated a bid by the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB): “This sporting year shows once again that Berlin can host major international events. I am certain that the sports metropolis of Berlin is also ideally suited as a venue for the Olympic and Paralympic Games and will play a central role in a possible national bid by the DOSB.”

Thomas Härtel, President of the Berlin State Sports Association (LSB), sees the application as a great opportunity for sport as a whole. “In Germany and here in Berlin, there are many strong ideas to achieve more for sport with the games,” he said. “With the experience from many major sporting events, the existing infrastructure, a wonderful audience and so many committed people from the sport, Berlin can host very special games.”

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