Spranger presents proposals on deportations


Berlin’s Interior Senator Iris Spranger (SPD) has presented proposals on the subject of deportations in a five-point plan. This includes a demand for the federal government to ensure that planned deportation flights are no longer thwarted by warnings via apps and tips about deportations. “Financial support for organizations that contribute to this must be stopped,” Spranger told the German Press Agency.

Spranger wants mandatory registration for those required to leave the country

The SPD politician also spoke out in favor of introducing reporting requirements for those required to leave the country. “Ignoring the obligation to leave the country must have consequences,” she said. “We will examine how we can use the legal options of detention pending deportation and custody pending departure even more consistently if those required to leave the country evade deportation.”

And finally: “We will review and adapt the directives on family separation. It is unacceptable that deportations fail because individual family members are sent away or hidden in order to thwart the deportation of families.”

Berlin is committed to a repatriation policy that upholds humanitarian principles, said Spranger. “This also means that the federal and state governments must use all options to end the stay of those required to leave the country,” said the SPD politician. “This applies above all to criminals and dangerous individuals.”

“It is my duty to ensure safety in the city”

It is about people for whom it has been legally established that they do not need protection in Germany and who nevertheless will not leave the country on their own. “As Senator for the Interior, it is my duty to ensure security in our city. The rule of law must be able to prevail when people do not follow the rules.”

The state of Berlin will therefore continue to consistently enforce the obligation for this group of people to leave the country within the framework of legal and practical possibilities. “This includes the return of dangerous individuals and criminals to Afghanistan and Syria.” The necessary coordination with the target countries must be carried out by the federal government.

“Anyone who demonstrably has no right to stay and has to leave the country, who abuses the protection of the right of asylum, who violates our rules, commits serious crimes and endangers our security, cannot expect us to stand by and do nothing,” Spranger continued.

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