“Stand by me” for peace on German Unity Day


On German Unity Day, the initiative “October 3rd – Germany sings and sounds” is once again inviting people across the country to sing together. The event is a participatory singing event and not a concert, said chairman Bernd Oettinghaus. Accordingly, anyone can join in. There is a map with all the locations on the initiative’s website.

On marketplaces at over 250 locations At 7 p.m., “We Shall Overcome,” “My Little Green Cactus,” “Stand by Me,” and seven other songs will be sung by candlelight. 12,000 singers prepared to sing together.

Manuela Schwesig is patron

According to the information, the initiative wants to send a symbol of solidarity in times of crisis and war in Ukraine and the Middle East. At the same time, the peaceful civil rights activists of the GDR are to be honored. “This year again – and with full conviction – we say ‘yes’ to democracy and unity and stand for the slogan of the Monday demonstrations of the time: ‘No violence!'” the statement said.

The event is taking place for the fifth time. This year’s patron is the Prime Minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Manuela Schwesig (SPD). “Music connects us. Especially in these challenging times. It sets an example for solidarity, community and peaceful and respectful coexistence,” Schwesig explained in a statement.

According to the information, the singing from Schwerin at the central civic festival for German Unity Day will also be shown on YouTube. The sponsoring association is made up of associations such as the Federal Music Association Choir & Orchestra, the Association of German Concert Choirs, as well as civil society and church networks and associations.

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