State elections: Baerbock expects high turnout

State elections: Baerbock expects high turnout

State elections: Baerbock expects high turnout

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock expects a high voter turnout in the state elections in Brandenburg. In recent days, it has been felt that people are aware of the importance of this election, said the Green politician after casting her vote in Potsdam. “A lot is at stake.”

“The sun is shining today, so hopefully it’s a day of hope,” said Baerbock, referring to her party’s results in the state. The Brandenburg Greens have to worry about their entry into the state parliament. Before the election, polls put the party at around 4 percent, which is below the five percent hurdle. In the current state parliament, the Greens are part of the government with the CDU and SPD.

In Brandenburg, voters are deciding today on the future balance of power in the state parliament. The polling stations opened at 8 a.m. Around 2.1 million people in the eastern German state can take part.

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