Steel industry: “Steel Action Plan”: Federal government should do more


Steel manufacturers, IG Metall and several federal states have called for more support from the federal government in securing the steel industry. In a “National Steel Action Plan”, the federal government is being asked to take measures to ensure competitive energy prices. It is also necessary to limit electricity network charges by reintroducing state subsidies for transmission network charges.

The eleven federal states with steel industries, the steel industry association and the trade union presented their list of demands to Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck (Greens) in Duisburg in the evening at the conclusion of a “National Steel Summit”. The steel summit was organized by the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry of Economics.

Action plan: implement measures quickly

A competitive domestic steel industry is essential for industrial value creation networks, prosperity, employment and a green transformation in Germany and Europe, the action plan states. “Steel is a material of great importance for German and European industry.” It is now crucial to make rapid and visible progress in implementing the measures, say the authors. They are therefore calling for an immediate program from the federal government.

In the action plan, the eleven federal states known as the “Steel Alliance” advocate, among other things, the creation of so-called green lead markets. In these, the demand for CO2-reduced steel is to be promoted with the help of public contracts.

The federal government and publicly owned companies are called upon to follow the example of the states. Public procurement and awarding practices should be adapted so that demand for green steel products produced in the EU is created in steel-processing sectors such as construction, energy and automobiles.

The steel industry is under considerable pressure, said the President of the Steel Industry Association, Gunnar Groebler. “To prevent the boiler from exploding, the three biggest screws must now be tightened: establishing green lead markets, keeping energy prices in check and creating effective protection against unfair competition.”

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