Still no legal regulation in Berlin


Cannabis cultivation associations in Berlin must continue to wait for a legal basis for the communal cultivation of cannabis. The Senate did not issue a legal regulation on Tuesday stating, for example, which requirements the associations must fulfill.

A person familiar with the predecessors told the Tagesspiegel that the Senate Chancellery had overlooked the fact that it had to first inform the members of the House of Representatives before issuing a legal order. According to the report, there was only a discussion document on the subject at the Senate meeting on Tuesday, but no resolution.

Senate spokeswoman Christine Richter contradicted this statement. According to her, it had always been clear that the issue was only discussed at the Senate meeting and that the legal ordinance was now being drawn up.

Criticism from the Greens

Criticism came from Green Party MP Vasili Franco. The cultivation associations are “despairing,” Franco wrote on “X,” “organized crime is happy.” According to the Cannabis Act, which regulates legalization, Berlin should have issued a legal ordinance for community cultivation by July 1st, as well as appointing a competent authority to approve applications and monitor the association. The Senate wanted to transfer the latter to the twelve Berlin districts.

After a long dispute between the Senate and the districts, an agreement was reached at the end of August thatThe State Office for Health and Social Affairs should be responsible for approving the applications and the districts should be responsible for the controls.

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