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Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan: 800 dead, victims of random air strikes within two weeks

Sudan: 800 dead, victims of random air strikes within two weeks

According to these data, more than 500 people were killed during the first five days of October in North and West Darfur and a number of other regions of the country.

The Central Observatory for Human Rights said in a statement on Thursday that warplanes continue to indiscriminately bomb civilians, which represents a serious violation of international humanitarian law, international human rights law, and international treaties.

Intensive sorties
Airstrikes intensified in the second week of October, resulting in more than 50 deaths in the city Al-Hasahisa And 45 in the Dinder region of Blue Nile State, in addition to more than 200 dead in the cities of Nyala, Mellit, Al-Koma, and El-Fasher in Darfur, the capital, Khartoum, and Al-Jazeera state in the center of the country.

Lawyer Rehab Mubarak, a member of the Emergency Lawyers Group, points out that daily monitoring reports confirm that during the past two weeks, military aircraft carried out more than 10 bloody sorties, all of which targeted civilian areas, leaving hundreds of civilians dead and wounded.

Rahal Mubarak told Sky News Arabia, “It is clear that warplanes are targeting civilians and their residential areas without any logical justifications, and for unknown reasons, which is a war crime of the first degree, especially since any of the sorties it carries out leaves dozens dead and wounded.”

She added, “The military aviation is fully aware of the great extent of killing and destruction caused by airstrikes in civilian areas, but nevertheless it continues these actions that are completely contrary to the rules and texts of international humanitarian law. Thus, the army generals and their supporters who carried out these sorties have placed themselves in the face of criminal prosecution that will inevitably affect them.” “under international law”

Justification for “incubators”
Sudanese army leaders defend the air attacks and say they target gatherings Rapid Support ForcesHowever, human rights bodies believe that most of these attacks are retaliatory under the justification of attacking “social incubators for rapid support.”

In this context, lawyer Moez Hadra told Sky News Arabia, “Targeting air attacks on civilian areas whose residents have nothing to do with the fighting is a clear violation of international conventions and laws.”

Hazrat points out that Articles 3, 32 and 34 of the Four Geneva Conventions of 1949, regarding the protection of civilian persons in time of war, prohibit attacks on life and bodily integrity, in particular murder and torture in all its forms, and also oblige parties to the conflict to treat persons who do not directly participate in hostilities as There are individuals among them armed forces those who have laid down their arms, and persons placed hors de combat by sickness, wounds, detention, or any other cause, shall be treated humanely, without any adverse distinction based on race, colour, religion or belief, sex, birth, property or any other similar criterion. . He explains, “These articles and other texts of international law clearly prohibit punishing or retaliating against any person for a violation that he did not personally commit.”

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