Temburong senior citizen briefing to be aware of cyber crime


By Yusrin Junaidi

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, SEPT 11 – The Brunei Barússalam Info-Communications Industry Authority (AlTI) has invited the Cyber ​​Crime Investigation Division (BSJS) of the Royal Brunei Police Force (PPDB) to hold a briefing session on online fraud crimes taking place at the Senior Citizens Activity Center yesterday.

Since most of the victims of online fraud crimes are elderly people, a briefing session in the Senior Citizens Digital Program for Temburong District was held to explain safe methods of surfing social media applications.

The briefing delivered by Chief Inspector Adinin bin Haji Ahmad touched on the issue of online fraud or online scam which emphasizes to the elderly about responsibility and vigilance regarding personal data, including bank account data so that it is not shared on any social media application.

It is hoped that the completion of the briefing will attract the attention of the participants and give them a positive effect and impact in order to protect them from such criminal activities.

PPDB also suggests that public and private departments realize the importance of knowledge about cyber threats and implement awareness sessions for their respective officers and staff on the spread of cyber crime in this country.

The atmosphere around the briefing. – PICTURES – PPDB SUBMISSION PICTURES

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