The Abrafaxe and the secret of the Black-tailed Godwit


The Ministry of the Environment in Potsdam sends the heroes of Comic magazine “Mosaik” – the Abrafaxe – on an exploratory tour of Havelland. In a special issue, Abrax, Brabax and Califax discover the local flora and fauna and meet a ranger.

As the ministry announced, the comic heroes are getting to the bottom of the mystery of the black-tailed godwit. The “Mosaik” was first published in the GDR in December 1955. Since 1976, the bulbous-nosed characters Abrax, Brabax and Califax have been traveling through different countries and times. In 2023, the 800th “Mosaic” issue.

The Brandenburg special issue was initiated by the Ministry, is available free of charge and is intended to introduce children and young people to nature and species protection. It can under this link can be ordered and downloaded online.

A look behind the scenes

The magazines are produced in Berlin-Westend at Publisher Mosaic Stone by StoneThe scenario of the story was written by Jens U. Schubert, the drawings are by Jörg Reuter, Andreas Schulze and Jens Fischer, the color design is by Leander Zerwer.

Even in times of digitalization, the Abrafaxe comics are still mostly created by hand.

© dpa/Jens Kalaene

On September 14th, the “Mosaik” publishing house is holding its 20th open day. From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., fans and the curious can take a look behind the scenes of the popular comic book. Tours will be held every 15 minutes, as the publisher announces, illustrators will sign autographs, and there will be a craft room for children where they can gain their first comic book experience.

There will also be lectures in the publisher’s conference room, including one on a new musical adventure by Abrafaxe, which, according to the publisher, will have its premiere in November at the Sorbian National Ensemble in Bautzen. At 1:15 p.m. Gerd Bießmann will speak on the topic “Foreign for Abrafaxe – About the languages ​​and names of comic heroes around the world,” and from 2:15 p.m. author Jens U. Schubert will give insights into the creation of the monthly series. (dpa/lvt)

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