The country is committed to explore management systems, smart transportation


By Sim YH

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, SEPT 8 – The Minister of Transport and Infocommunications, His Excellency Pengiran Dato Seri Setia Shamhary bin Pengiran Dato Paduka Haji Mustapha held a bilateral meeting with the Minister for the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT), Republic of Korea, His Excellency Sangwoo Park in Seoul, Republic of Korea last September 5.

According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications (MTIC), here, stating that the meeting was held outside the World Smart City Expo (WSCE) 2024 which took place in Goyang, Republic of Korea from September 3 to September 5.

The meeting focused on exchanging views and sharing best practices, experiences and initiatives in advancing smart transport management systems.

The main areas discussed include policy frameworks, legislation, capacity building, information sharing and collaborative strategies aimed at improving the sustainability and efficiency of transport.

In addition, the meeting also explored cooperation opportunities between Brunei Darussalam and the Republic of Korea to address the challenges of public transport in Brunei.

Based on the technology and solutions highlighted by the companies during the WSCE, there are viable solutions that can be adopted and considered for the Brunei Darussalam Smart Transport System project.

Also present during the meeting was the Ambassador of Brunei Darussalam to the Republic of Korea, Her Excellency Pengiran Hajah Nooriyah binti Pengiran Lela Wijaya Pengiran Haji Yussof, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications, Ir Haji Mohammad Nazri bin Haji Mohammad Yusof and senior officials from The Ministry of Transport and Infocommunications and the Embassy of Brunei Darussalam in Seoul.

In addition to the bilateral meeting, Yang Berhormat Pengiran Dato Seri Setia Shamhary also visited WSCE 2024 at KINTEX 1, Goyang, Goyang Smart Safety Center and the Seoul Transport Operation and Information Service (TOPIS) facility in Seoul.

The visit provided valuable insight into smart transport solutions, focusing on policy frameworks, legislation and technology-driven strategies for a more sustainable and smart urban mobility system.

Earlier, Ir Haji Mohammad Nazri attended the 2nd Joint Coordination Committee (ICC) Meeting, which aims to advance discussions under the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Cooperation in the Field of Smart City Development between Brunei Darussalam and the Republic of Korea on September 4 .

The meeting was attended by the Deputy Minister for Urban and Regional Policy, Republic of Korea, Dr Lee Sangjoo where the discussion focused on developing cooperation in smart city initiatives, building on the ICC initiatives that had been agreed upon earlier.

In recognition of the strong cooperation between the two countries, Brunei Darussalam was presented with a souvenir of appreciation by the Republic of Korea in which it underlined the mutual commitment and lasting cooperation to foster growth and development in the smart city space.

Among the visits and activities involved Ir Haji Mohammad Nazri while in the country. – PHOTOS OF MITC’S SUBMISSION

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