The future of the social ticket is open


From the point of view of Social Affairs Senator Cansel Kiziltepe, it is currently unclear whether the social ticket for Berlin’s local transport, which costs nine euros a month, will continue to be available in the future. It is certain for this year, said the SPD politician at the House of Representatives meeting in response to critical questions from the opposition. “My goal is to keep the social ticket,” however, Kiziltepe immediately pointed out the ongoing discussions about savings.

Kiziltepe leaves the question unanswered

A number of items still need to be cut in the 2025 budget. Negotiations on this are continuing. “The Senate will reach an agreement on this by the end of the year,” said Kiziltepe. “This means that I cannot currently give a concrete answer to the question.”

It remains to be seen whether the ticket, which is intended to enable those entitled to it to use buses and trains at a comparatively low price, will be offered beyond the end of December.

The Social Senator wants a reform of the debt brake

“My goal as Senator for Social Affairs is, of course, to maintain the social ticket. That is why I have long been committed to a reform of the debt brake,” said the SPD politician.

“Without a reform of the school brake, it will not be possible to make investments in the future and thus also free up capacity for other areas, such as the social ticket,” said Kiziltepe.

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