The Russian ambassador blamed Yerevan for not cooperating with the CSTO in 2022


“Many risks facing Armenia today could be reduced if in September 2022, Yerevan agreed to the CSTO mediation proposal to implement a package of measures to stabilize the situation on the border with Azerbaijan,” said the Russian Ambassador to Armenia.

“Allies. In the conversation with the CSTO (CSTO: Allies), Sergey Kopirkin noted that it was about serious initiatives, including military-technical support, sending an observation mission, support in the training of border guard troops.

The Russian diplomat once again questioned the activities of the EU observation mission.

“Unfortunately, the leadership of Armenia chose to invite the EU mission, which does not protect the state’s borders at all, but gathers intelligence against Azerbaijan, Iran and Russia under the name of “monitoring”, he noted, while reminding that Armenia continues to be led by Russia. a member of the CSTO structure.

  • Relations with Russia and the CSTO intensified, especially in September 2022 Azerbaijan from the attack after. Despite Yerevan’s demands, the CSTO to this day did not condemn that attack against Armenia, a member of the alliance, did not record that Azerbaijan occupied territories from Armenia.
  • In response, Yerevan rejected the CSTO border to deploy observers proposal, Prime Minister Pashinyan in 2024 announcedthat Yerevan’s membership in the alliance is de facto frozen, it is possible that it will also be frozen de jure, if the allies do not change their position.
  • Recently, Armenia refuses to participate in the organization’s events and gatherings. In August, he missed two exercises at once.

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