The world’s largest fruit salad comes from Berlin


The largest fruit salad in the world comes from Berlin. In their successful record attempt, more than 400 volunteers picked up knives and processed around 11,790 kilograms of apples, pineapples, melons and other fruits. This was announced by a spokesperson for the Berlin Fruchthof.

They had already started early in the morning with the firm goal of beating the previous record from France of 10,340 kilograms in order to get an entry in the “Guinness Book of Records”. They succeeded. The entire salad will be donated to the Berlin food bank.

The reason for the world record attempt was the founding of the Berlin Fruchthof 75 years ago. To mark this anniversary, the wholesalers invited people to join in the celebrations on the Fruchthof site in Berlin-Moabit. There, Berlin weekly market traders, among others, presented a selection of their products. Guided tours through the Fruchthof hall offered the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes of the wholesale market.

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