This is how young Brandenburgers voted

This is how young Brandenburgers voted

This is how young Brandenburgers voted

The majority of young people in Brandenburg vote for the AfD. According to the research group Wahlen, 30 percent of those under 30 voted for the party, which is classified as a suspected right-wing extremist party, in the state election. According to the Infratest survey, there are differences: 32 percent of 16- to 24-year-olds and 34 percent of 25- to 34-year-olds voted for the AfD.

The SPD came in second place among the under-30s with 21 percent, followed by BSW with 12 percent and the CDU and the Left with nine percent each. The Greens received seven percent among the 16- to 29-year-olds, and BVB/Free Voters received two percent.

This means that the Brandenburg youth deviates considerably from the state result: Overall, the SPD was just ahead of the AfD with around 31 percentThe youth would have voted for the Greens and the Left in the state parliament. Of the 2.11 million eligible voters in the state, around 100,000 were first-time voters.

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The U16 election had already sent a similar signal: 29.7 percent of Brandenburg children and young people voted for the AfD, according to the election results published by the “Sozialpädagogisches Institut Berlin” (SPI) foundation on Monday before election day. The SPD received half of the votes among under-16s: 15.1 percent, followed by the CDU with 12.6 percent. 12.0 percent voted for the animal protection party. A total of 43 self-organized U16 polling stations had 4,736 children and young people voting; the election is considered unrepresentative. According to the U16 election, the Left (6.6 percent) and the Greens (5.3 percent) managed to get over the five percent hurdle. The young people voted for the BSW with 8.1 percent.

The Brandenburgers Results of young voters are similar to those of the Thuringia and Saxony electionsAccording to the post-election survey by the research group Wahlen, the majority of under-30s voted for the AfD. Thuringian youth therefore voted for the AfD more often than the state average. Second place deviated considerably from the state average: instead of the CDU, the Left Party received 15 percent. The CDU received almost ten percentage points less among young people than in the state (13 percent). BSW achieved twelve percent.

In Saxony, too, the Left Party was strong among under-30s with 13 percent, but nationwide they failed to clear the five percent hurdle. The CDU was voted for half as often (15 percent) as the state average, there was slightly less support for BSW (ten percent) and more for the SPD (nine percent). In Thuringia and Saxony, the Greens failed to clear the five percent hurdle, while under-30s would have voted them into the state parliament with six or nine percent.

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