Three-legged BOB didn’t let disability slow him down: Send us your pet stories

Three-legged BOB didn’t let disability slow him down: Send us your pet stories

ELYRIA, Ohio — My wife, Tina, and I have a soft spot for huskies. Especially seniors or dogs with health issues. We’ve had quite a few.

Well, BOB caught our attention on Facebook. A shelter in California posted that without an adopter or foster, he would be put to sleep in 72 hours. He was a “tripawd” – he had had to have his front left leg removed due to infection.

Apparently, this made him harder to adopt out and he had received no interest.

Three-legged BOB didn’t let disability slow him down: Send us your pet stories

It took eight private flights to get BOB from California to his new home in Elyria with Daniel and Tina Maddock (at left).Photo Courtesy of Daniel Maddock

I saw his picture and story and had to act. I contacted the rescue we deal with here in Ohio — Kaleidoscope K9s — and asked if they could help. They contacted a rescue in California, and next thing we knew, BOB was on his way here.

It took eight private airplane flights, orchestrated by Pilots and Paws, to get him here. He arrived at a small airport in Wooster right at Christmas in 2019.

He was a ball of love and energy and didn’t miss that leg at all. We had a front-wheel wheelchair made by Eddie’s Wheels for Pets and BOB loved it. He was a superstar in that thing, and everyone loved and knew him because of it.

Dog relaxing in passenger seat of car

BOB enjoys being the passenger prince.Photo Courtesy of Daniel Maddock

He even did a commercial for Eddie’s in it. He could walk and roll down the sidewalk or bike path — even the woods.

We had custom skis made for him for winter, and boy could he fly.

Then, in February 2023, he got sick. After several rounds of tests, it was determined that he had liver cancer. He responded to treatment at first, but that didn’t last. He crossed the Rainbow Bridge this past May.

Smiliing husky dog with man and woman in front of Christmas tree

Husky BOB joined the Maddock family on Christmas 2019.Photo Courtesy of Daniel Maddock

He passed at home, in our arms, with the help of “A Gentle Farewell” — an in-home euthanasia service.

His passing left us heartbroken.

As we continued to walk with our pack around town, people would ask where he was. We had no idea how many lives he touched until he was gone.

The passing of a pet, a family member, is never easy, but knowing you gave him the best life at the end is priceless.

We continue to take in broken huskies, and just this weekend said goodbye to yet another — Simba, a poor soul from Houston, Texas. But that’s another story for another time.

Daniel Maddock,


Do you share your life with an animal that is near and dear to you? Tell us something about your pet – all species are welcome – and send along a photo of the two of you. Be sure to tell us which Greater Cleveland community you live in. Send everything to Ann Norman at [email protected].

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